Jim Butch Silverstone Artisry

Celebrating Mother Nature Through Design

Hello and welcome to my studio.

My name is Jim Butch and I’m an artist in Columbus, Ohio. My work includes Jewelry and artwork made with all natural materials.

My designs can be simple, with emphasis on the gemstone, or can be more intricate, with detailed metal work. I create to compliment the medium that I choose, which could include sterling silver, gemstones, copper, gold, minerals, fungus, moss, tree bark and driftwood or a combination of those. My finished pieces are almost always inspired by Mother Nature.

I’ve been creating since I was a child. My parents must have seen my attraction to shiny objects, LOL, and bought me a rock tumbler. Mom would search for bags of junk jewelry that I could disassemble and recreate into a complete new piece. I became completely obsessed with gems and minerals………especially if they sparkle and shine!

After moving to Columbus, my partner introduced me to the Cultural Arts Center which offered jewelry making classes and  all the equipment anyone could ever need. I was self taught beyond that, with help from YouTube and lots of  trial and error in my home studio and finally landing in the creative environment of 400 W Rich St. in Franklinton.

I remember the first time I saw a piece of my jewelry, that I had created years earlier, on a person outside of my studio, on a FaceBook post. This was other than my mom, as she is one of my biggest fans! The feeling of someone enjoying your work is incredible.

I’ve always been inspired to do better when someone buys one of my pieces. My work certainly isn’t perfect and I wouldn’t want it to be. Imperfections happen during the creative process and hopefully you see my passion within the imperfections as my personal stamp on the piece.

Working with my own idea, or a clients idea, allows the vision to become a reality. Every time I sell a piece of work, not only is it an affirmation of my creation but also a connection to the person making the purchase. In reality, I had the vision, Mother Earth provided the material and the client connected with both! That is the joy of my art and keeps me creating.

Thanks for checking out my work!